
This list of Philippine Freshwater Zooplankton ~

partly comes from published literatures and from my,

observations during my work with zooplankton at the

SEAFDEC, Binangonan Research Station (BRS).

One of the main constraints in zooplankton studies

is the systematic key-literature. This list is the first

step to overcome this problem. The list of

literature will help the reader to find more information.

Mention of occurrence is only made for major lakes.

Included in the list are most known species of euzooplankton ..

(true zooplankton) and those littoral forms which are

often found among the euzooplanktons is visitors .

.(tychozooplankton). with this definition in mind, all

species known to the author as recorded in the Philippines

are included. Future research expect to recover more species.

The figures are drawn to scale at 250 x magnification

for the rotifers, while the copepods and the cladocerans .

are magnified about 10 x but not drawn to scale. Not

all the species of crustaceans has been included in

the figures.


The Binangonan Research station (SEAFDEC) at

Tapao point, Binangonan, Rizal have given roe a good

opportunity to study the zooplankton population in

Laguna de Bay and to realize the importance of

zooplankton studies in aquaculture research.

And finally the correspondance with Rey S. D. Papa (UST)
has added much knowledge to the list.

Se the The Key to Philippine Frehswater Zooplankton
for more informations.



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